March 25, 2024

RWJF partnered with CCHE to assess their equitable rural development strategy

TR photo2.jpgCCHE served as the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF)’s partner to conduct a strategy assessment of their Thrive Rural Body of Work (TR) from March 2021 to June 2023. TR supported nine multidisciplinary grantee teams working across three main strategies: field weaving and strengthening, narrative change, and policies, practices and resource flows. The goal of TR was to advance a more connected and influential ecosystem of people and institutions to increase racial equity, prosperity, and health in low-wealth and BIPOC rural communities.

The strategy assessment was driven by a set of questions that focused on understanding TR strategy implementation, lessons learned, and opportunities for future impact. The assessment involved developing an initial theory of change, conducting interviews, understanding grantee progress toward their goals, and reviewing relevant documents. Briefings of key findings and collective data interpretation with RWJF program officers occurred throughout the assessment.

This work generated six opportunities for funders and practitioners interested in advancing equitable rural development and a better understanding of key drivers and barriers to progress. In addition to the report, the strategy assessment yielded a close partnership with RWJF that helped inform their rural strategy going forward.

Read the report summary:

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