Recent News and Events

March 11, 2025
CCHE recently worked with the California Health Care Foundation to produce this report: Telehealth Evolution in California Progress, Challenges, and Opportunities. It traces telehealth’s history in California and lays out a roadmap for continued progress. To create the report, our team analyzed dozens of research studies and interviewed key players in California. California has made significant strides in telehealth since the COVID-19 pandemic, and patients generally report high satisfaction with digital or hybrid care. While telehealth has advanced health equity, disparities remain for Medicaid patients, speakers of languages other than English speakers, and rural residents. Our roadmap offers recommendations for policymakers, health system leaders, providers, health plans, and researchers to continue to center equitable access to care in their telehealth efforts.
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February 10, 2025
CCHE conducted a mid-course assessment of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s (RWJF’S) ten-year commercial tobacco control (CTC) strategy. The strategy aimed to advance equity in the CTC movement by amplifying the work of organizations focused on people most harmed by commercial tobacco: specifically Black Americans, Native Americans, Hispanic and Latino/a/x Americans, Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders, LGBTQIA+ Americans, people with limited financial resources, and residents of geographic/regional areas disproportionately impacted by commercial tobacco, particularly those in the South and Midwest. CCHE used a mixed methods approach to assess the influence and capacity of these organizations; equity in the CTC movement; changes in the broader messaging employed in CTC advocacy; and policy strategies and successes in the movement in the last five years.
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January 30, 2025
We know that trauma can have a long-term impact on people’s health and wellbeing, highlighting the need for trauma-informed and strengths-based approaches to working with patients and communities. Since 2017, CCHE has evaluated programs that are implementing screening for Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) in pediatric settings, which promotes early intervention and can be a tangible entry point for clinics interested in providing trauma- and resilience-informed care. Learnings from these programs can provide guidance to health care organizations that are interested in or already implementing ACEs screening.
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January 9, 2025
Happy New Year! In 2024, we evaluated many innovative programs that are reshaping how we understand community health, equity, and systems change. We are grateful for our amazing partners and the opportunity to learn from and contribute to these important programs. In the new year, we’re looking forward to continuing our efforts to use data and insights to strengthen programs and initiatives to contribute to healthier and more equitable communities across the United States. Please read on for highlights of some projects that wrapped up in 2024.
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October 2, 2024
CCHE is wrapping up the evaluation of Well Connected Communities (WCC), a seven-year, national health equity and well-being initiative of America’s Cooperative Extension System funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. WCC used the power of collective action and youth and adult voice to identify and address health inequities. 
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August 19, 2024
The Center for Community Health and Evaluation (CCHE) has released the findings of an independent evaluation of the Delta Center California (DCC) initiative. DCC was a 2.5-year initiative supported by the California Health Care Foundation and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation that brought together behavioral health and primary care leaders to accelerate care improvement and integration through policy and practice change. While goals were originally established for DCC, participants provided much of the direction via a robust co-design process.
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August 5, 2024
A growing awareness of the impact of trauma on people’s health and wellbeing has underscored the need for trauma- and resilience-informed approaches to working with patients and communities. Resilient Beginnings Network (RBN) was a three-year learning program dedicated to advancing trauma- and resilience-informed pediatric care delivery models. RBN was led by the Center for Care Innovations (CCI) with funding support from Genentech Charitable Giving. It supported 15 safety net organization teams in California’s San Francisco Bay Area.
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