To help understand and untangle the dynamic and fluid aspects of policy and advocacy evaluations, CCHE has developed the policy spectrum, a tool that evaluators and funders can use to inform their investments and assess progress across multiple sites and myriad aspects of complex initiatives.
The dual pandemics of racism and COVID-19 have underscored the urgency of effectively responding to trauma and promoting resiliency in pediatric primary care. Since 2017, CCHE has contributed to learning in the field by evaluating programs that support health care organizations in adopting practices to be more healing-centered, including screening and responding to adverse childhood experiences.
Drawing on years of experience evaluating community coalitions, CCHE created a model for successful collaboration to help answer the question of how social factors affect people's health care.
Reflection is important at CCHE not only for our personal health and wellbeing, but also for sparking insights for improving our work with each other, with you, and communities.
In our work, we see both the recognition that collaboration is essential and also a desire for greater understanding of what it takes to work effectively together.
Over the past 30 years we’ve learned about the central role that health care safety net providers (e.g., Federally Qualified Health Centers, free clinics, public hospital systems) play in supporting the health and well-being of people living in underserved communities.
CCHE is committed to equity and we believe that equity needs to be at the center of all public health and health care investments if we want to improve the health and well-being of everyone.
For nine years, CCHE has been partnering with the Public Health Institute’s Center for Health Leadership and Practice to evaluate its National Leadership Academy for the Public’s Health (NLAPH).
CCHE developed the Measuring What Matters toolkit to support nonprofits that want to learn how to understand and communicate about how their programs are making a difference.