Recent News and Events

May 28, 2020
For nine years, CCHE has been partnering with the Public Health Institute’s Center for Health Leadership and Practice to evaluate its National Leadership Academy for the Public’s Health (NLAPH).

May 5, 2020
CCHE developed the Measuring What Matters toolkit to support nonprofits that want to learn how to understand and communicate about how their programs are making a difference.

April 27, 2020
A study from KPWHRI highlights local clinics and their importance as Americans lose jobs—and health insurance

April 8, 2020
Change happens when communities come together and partner to identify and implement solutions that fit for their community. SPARCC has always been about building relationships and connections, and that shows up in effective collaborations in its six sites.

April 1, 2020
CCHE is devising new ways to find the interventions that most benefit community health and how best to measure them.

February 25, 2020
Community health initiatives seek to improve policies, programs, and neighborhood environments.

January 31, 2020
This is a landmark year for us—the 30th year since we began evaluating community-based health initiatives. It’s been a wonderful journey partnering with an incredible diversity of communities, organizations, funders, and others to further our collective mission of improving community health.